What is 1 + 1? It depends who you ask!

Donald Trump
By Shealah Craighead - White House, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=63768460
Official portrait of President Donald J. Trump, Friday, By Shealah Craighead – White House, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=63768460

“Glad you asked me this question. I am a very stable genius and math is one of my specialties. When I was on the Howard Stern show, he asked me a very difficult math question, “What is 17 times 6?”.


Continue reading “What is 1 + 1? It depends who you ask!”


I am starting this blog because I believe I have insights, views and opinions which are not expressed elsewhere, whether in the media or by other commentators. My main items of interest are:

  • Climate change
  • Current events
  • Economics
  • Canadian Issues

Future topics on this blog include:

  • Does Brexit doom London as a Financial Centre?
  • Understanding Jeremy Corbyn
  • Where will Putin strike next?
  • What does the data say about global warming?
  • The elites in the West are under attack – what are the issues they are not addressing?

The following describes my attitudes and credentials on the main topics: Continue reading “INTRODUCTION”