A Just End to the Ukraine War

A Just End to Ukraine War

Anywhere, the only people who have a right to determine the future of their land are the people who live there. This is the basis of the principle of “self-determination”.

In the case of Ukraine, this principle implies that only the people living there have the right which parts should be Ukraine and which should go to Russia.

The only way to determine this justly is through a plebiscite.

Continue reading “A Just End to the Ukraine War”

Greta Thunberg was Wrong about Economic Growth

In a speech, Greta Thunberg stated: “all you can talk about is money and fairy tales of eternal economic growth”. Continue reading “Greta Thunberg was Wrong about Economic Growth”

Merry Christmas 2020

Christmas is here!

Nowadays, it is seen largely as a consumption holiday, whether it is consuming turkey with all the trimmings or shopping for presents. However, for Christians the world over, it is celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ. The essence of Christianity is following the teachings of Christ

Adoration of the Shepherds – signed b.r.: G v Honthorst.fe 1622












I am constantly surprised by how many people in the West do not know what those teachings are.

Christmas provides an opportunity to remind people of some of these: Continue reading “Merry Christmas 2020”

What is 1 + 1? It depends who you ask!

Donald Trump
By Shealah Craighead - White House, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=63768460
Official portrait of President Donald J. Trump, Friday, By Shealah Craighead – White House, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=63768460

“Glad you asked me this question. I am a very stable genius and math is one of my specialties. When I was on the Howard Stern show, he asked me a very difficult math question, “What is 17 times 6?”.


Continue reading “What is 1 + 1? It depends who you ask!”

The Covid-19 Pandemic May be Over Sooner Than You Think

Covid-19 has spread throughout the world and people and governments are going to extraordinary lengths to contain it.

Two of the first nations to experience the pandemic are China and South Korea. In both cases, the number of new casualties has dropped ( in China there have been no new cases at all yesterday – 23-March 2020). In other countries, including Canada and the U.S., the number of new cases is still rising.

We can look at the data for Canada and the U.S. and compare it to South Korea and see if there are similarities and if it can suggest how long the outbreak will last. Continue reading “The Covid-19 Pandemic May be Over Sooner Than You Think”

What Would a Corbyn–Led British Government Look Like?

There is a lot of fear-mongering in the British press about the disastrous consequences if the Labour Party won a British General Election and  Jeremy Corbyn became Prime Minister.

One approach to see how disastrous this would be is to compare it to what happened when the last left-wing government was in power. The closest analogue is the Labour government from 1945 to 1951 under Clement Attlee. Continue reading “What Would a Corbyn–Led British Government Look Like?”

What Does “Peer Reviewed” Mean?

Articles about scientific matters (especially climate change) refer to studies with “peer reviewed” papers. Most readers assume that this means that the findings have been endorsed by qualified scientists and that they can be considered reliable.

The reality is that this is actually a low standard and is not an accurate guide to the reliability of the results. Continue reading “What Does “Peer Reviewed” Mean?”

Get Canada Moving Again – Streamlining the Resource Development Approval Process

In Canada resource development projects must go through a lengthy approval process.  This is necessary so that all the factors are taken into consideration including, of course, environmental concerns.

However, radical environmentalists have used these approval processes to stop all resource developments, whether it involves pipelines, oil and gas development, hard rock mining or forestry.

The Financial Post has identified 35 projects valued at $129 billion that have been held up or stopped by extreme environmental extremists. Continue reading “Get Canada Moving Again – Streamlining the Resource Development Approval Process”

Towards a Rational Approach to Climate Change

To decide how to deal with climate change we have to first look at the affects it will have.  The effects which have been discussed fall into three groups.

These are:

  • Effect on wildlife and the environment
  • More frequent extreme weather events
  • Rising sea levels

My conclusion is that the only aspect that poses a real threat to humanity is a rising sea level.

In this blog I shall look at all three aspects and explain the reasoning behind the conclusion. Continue reading “Towards a Rational Approach to Climate Change”

Are the Predictions of More Hurricanes of Greater Severity Supported by the Data?

One of the dire warnings of the effects of anthropogenic climate change is the increased frequency and severity of extreme weather events.

The recent spate of powerful hurricanes which it hit the U.S.  and the Caribbean suggests that perhaps the frequency of hurricanes is increasing as predicted..

The Economist recently published data for hurricanes landing in the U.S. from 1850 onwards.  These data suggested that the number of hurricanes is slowly decreasing while the number of category five hurricanes is slightly increasing.  In this blog I will look at the same data with a little more rigorous analysis.

Continue reading “Are the Predictions of More Hurricanes of Greater Severity Supported by the Data?”