The Role of Protests in a Democracy







There is currently a public enquiry in Canada examining whether the invocation of the Emergencies Act to end the “Trucker’s Freedom Protest” in Ottawa last year was legally justified. This protest was to force the government to end the vaccination mandate for truckers crossing the border to the U.S. It lasted from Jan. 28 to Feb. 20. The police did not intervene effectively until the Canadian Parliament invoked the Emergencies Act and the protest was dispersed.

This raises general questions about protests in democracies. Continue reading “The Role of Protests in a Democracy”

What is 1 + 1? It depends who you ask!

Donald Trump
By Shealah Craighead - White House, Public Domain,
Official portrait of President Donald J. Trump, Friday, By Shealah Craighead – White House, Public Domain,

“Glad you asked me this question. I am a very stable genius and math is one of my specialties. When I was on the Howard Stern show, he asked me a very difficult math question, “What is 17 times 6?”.


Continue reading “What is 1 + 1? It depends who you ask!”

Trump’s Achievements

No president has divided public opinion more than Donald Trump. Many find him personally obnoxious, irresponsible and harmful to the U.S. and the world. His supporters however, see him as a breath of fresh air who is “making America great again”.

Personally, I am not an admirer of Trump but I think that it is beneficial to play the “devil’s advocate” and try to look at his record in his first two years in as positive light as possible. Continue reading “Trump’s Achievements”

America Does Not Need Smaller Government!

A familiar rallying cry of the Right is a call for smaller government. This is seen as self-evident and a “good thing” in and of itself.

However, if we look at the most successful advanced economies in the world, we see that most have more government spending as a fraction of GDP than the US (data from “Pocket World in Figures, 2015 Edition, The Economist). Continue reading “America Does Not Need Smaller Government!”

Trump v Clinton 2: Trump the Frump

Plenty has been written about the second US presidential debate. I want to touch on a couple of points that have not been raised:

  • The candidates appearance/body language
  • 33000 deleted emails – is this a scandal?
  • “locker room banter” – explanation for the ladies and what are acceptable limits

Continue reading “Trump v Clinton 2: Trump the Frump”